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by Melissa Bajda June 16, 2023
Cigars are the ultimate indulgence for those who love to savor the finer things in life. But with so many options, how do you know which brands are worth your time and money?
Thankfully, Cigar Aficionados, the ultimate lovers of cigars, have compiled a list of the world's top 15 best cigar brands.
From classic names to modern blends, these brands have made a name for themselves in the industry and won over cigar lovers' hearts (and taste buds) worldwide.
In this blog post, we'll explore the top cigar brands, as determined by Cigar Aficionados, so that you can decide on your next smoke.
Arturo Fuente is a well-known and highly respected brand in the cigar industry. Established in 1912, the brand has crafted premium cigars for over a century.
The Arturo Fuente company is known for its high-quality, hand-made cigars from the finest tobacco blends and aging process, making the Fuente family proud.
The Arturo Fuente cigars offer a wide range of unique flavors and aromas. Some of their famous cigars include the Hemingway series, the Opus X series, and the Don Carlos series.
Romeo y Julieta is a brand from the Dominican Republic and has been making waves in the cigar world since 1875.
Known for their exceptional taste and quality, Romeo y Julieta cigars are crafted with the finest tobacco leaves from the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua, providing a unique and distinct flavor profile.
The Romeo y Julieta was liked by Winston Churchill and named after the famous Shakespearean love story and has been a staple in the cigar industry for over a century.
Partagás is a brand that originated in Cuba in the 19th century and is still produced today.
They are known for using the world's finest tobaccos, specifically from the Vuelta Abajo region of Cuba. The tobacco is hand-selected and aged for several years, producing a rich and smooth flavor.
Partagás have a strong reputation for being bold and full-bodied cigars, making them a popular choice for a cigar aficionado.
Davidoff offers a select few cigars, but each one is a masterpiece in its own right. The company was founded by Zino Davidoff in 1969 and has been producing high-quality cigars ever since.
Davidoff cigars are made using only the finest tobacco leaves, carefully selected from the best tobacco fields in the Dominican Republic.
One of the most popular Davidoff cigars is the Davidoff Grand Cru No. 2. Their good cigar uses a blend of Dominican tobaccos and is known for its smooth and mellow cigar flavor.
Seasoned smokers may have heard of Cohiba. It is one of the most sought-after brands, known for its rich flavor, impeccable quality, and superior craftsmanship.
Cohiba is a Cuban cigar brand created in 1966 for Fidel Castro himself. It wasn't until 1982 that it was released for commercial sale. Since then, Cohiba has become a household name in the world of cigars.
Cohiba is known for its robust and full-bodied flavor. The brand offers a variety of blends that cater to different tastes. Cohiba's cigars are made from the finest tobacco leaves, aged for years to ensure their richness and complexity.
They are also hand-rolled by expert craftsmen, ensuring that every cigar is perfect in construction, burn, and draw.
ACID is a popular infused brand for those who enjoy a sweeter, more flavorful cigar.
The company is known for using high-quality Nicaraguan tobaccos infused with essential oils to create unique and delicious flavor profiles.
ACID cigars come in a wide range of strengths and flavors, making it easy for aficionados to find a blend that suits their preferences.
Some popular flavors include the sweet and spicy Kuba Kuba, the rich and bold Cold Infusion Tea, and the mellow and creamy Blondie.
La Gloria Cubana is a brand that boasts of its Cuban traditions while using Nicaraguan and Dominican tobaccos to create a unique smoking experience. It is a brand that has been around since 1885 and has maintained its quality and popularity.
The La Gloria Cubana cigars are known for their full-bodied flavor, which is both rich and complex. They have a deep earthy aroma that is a signature of the brand.
The La Gloria Cubana Serie R No. 5 is an excellent choice for those who enjoy robust smoke. It is a dark and oily cigar with an exceptional taste and aroma.
Another popular cigar brand that enthusiasts love is Rocky Patel.
Their cigars are known for being box-pressed, which means they have a flat and squared appearance. The company has various blends, such as the Vintage 1990 and the Decade.
Rocky Patel stands out among other brands because they are committed to using only the best tobacco worldwide.
Their cigars are made with Nicaraguan and Honduran tobacco, creating a unique flavor profile unmatched by other brands.
Montecristo is one of the most popular cigar brands in the world and has been a favorite among cigar enthusiasts for years. These best cigars brands are known for their impeccable construction and complex flavors, providing a unique smoking experience.
One thing that sets Montecristo cigars apart is their wide ring gauges. This means that the cigar's diameter is larger, providing more space for the tobacco filler and giving a bolder taste.
If you want a brand that can give you quality cigars with a unique and flavorful taste, you must try Oliva cigars. The brand has gained popularity among cigar lovers worldwide thanks to its robust and balanced flavor.
One of the best Oliva cigars you must try is the Oliva Serie. It is a medium-bodied cigar with a balanced taste with notes of coffee, cedar, and earthiness. The Serie comes in several sizes and has an oily wrapper rich in flavor.
For those looking for a more complex flavor profile, the Oliva Serie V Melanio is an excellent choice. This cigar is full-bodied, blending dark chocolate, leather, and spice.
Ashton is a luxury cigar brand that offers a wide range of premium cigars. The Connecticut shade wrapper is the most popular of their blends, known for its smooth and creamy smoke.
The Ashton brand has built a reputation for delivering medium-bodied cigars with excellent balance and consistency in every smoke.
The Ashton cigar's signature flavor profile is creamy, with a hint of wood and leather. The cigars are meticulously crafted using high-quality Dominican Republic and Nicaragua tobacco.
Punch Cigars have been a favorite among cigar lovers since its inception in 1840. The brand has come a long way, but its dedication to crafting premium cigars has remained the same.
These best cigars brands are known for their rich and robust flavor, making them a go-to for smokers who prefer intense smoke.
One of their most popular blends is the Punch Gran Puro, which features a Nicaraguan wrapper, binder, and filler tobaccos from Honduras. This cigar has leather, pepper, and spice notes, making it a perfect choice for a relaxing evening.
Alec Bradley Cigars have been handmade for the past two decades and are one of the most sought-after cigars in the world. Their cigars are known for their unique flavor profiles and exceptional construction.
The company was founded by Alan Rubin, who started in the cigar business as a sales representative in the mid-1990s.
After several years of working with some of the top cigar brands in the industry, Rubin decided to launch his line of premium cigars under the name Alec Bradley.
Today, Alec Bradley is a household name in the cigar world, with a loyal following of enthusiasts who appreciate the company's commitment to quality and innovation.
Their most popular cigars include the Alec Bradley Prensado, the Alec Bradley Black Market, and the Alec Bradley Tempus.
Another brand that offers a variety of blends and flavors is Perdomo. Founded by Nick Perdomo Jr. in 1992, this brand has quickly become a go-to for cigar lovers.
One of their most popular blends is the Perdomo Champagne, which features a creamy, smooth smoke with hints of vanilla and caramel. The Connecticut shade wrapper adds to the mellow flavor profile.
Other notable blends from Perdomo include Lot 23, which uses tobacco grown in a specific plot of Nicaragua, and the Habano, which features a spicy and bold flavor profile.
The Padron family has been making cigars since 1964, and this cigar maker family has established itself as one of the top cigar brands in the world.
The Padron 1926 Serie is a must-try for a cigar aficionado. This blend was created to commemorate the 75th birthday of Jose Padron, the founder of Padron Cigars.
The 1926 Serie has a rich, full-bodied flavor with dark chocolate, espresso, and earth notes. The wrapper is a deep, oily Maduro leaf that gives the cigar a complex flavor profile.
Choosing the best cigar brand is a matter of personal preference. However, some popular cigar brands include Montecristo, Rocky Patel, and Ashton.
These brands have a loyal following and offer premium cigars with rich flavors and excellent construction.
Many high-end cigar brands are considered luxurious, but some of the most popular ones are Cohiba, Davidoff, and Arturo Fuente.
These brands offer premium cigars with exquisite flavors and are often favored by cigar enthusiasts looking for the ultimate smoking experience.
Cigars can range in price from a few dollars to hundreds per stick. However, cigars that cost $20 or more are generally considered expensive.
These premium cigars often use rare tobaccos and are handcrafted by skilled artisans to produce exceptional flavors and aromas.
Cuba is known for producing some of the finest cigars in the world, and among its many cigar brands, Cohiba is considered the most famous. Cohiba cigars are known for their full-bodied flavors and are highly sought after by cigar enthusiasts worldwide.
However, due to trade restrictions, Cuban cigars are only easily available in some parts of the world, making them a luxury item for those who can access them.
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Melissa Bajda is an gift-giving expert with a decade-long track record of curating gifts that create lasting memories. Her insight into the art of gifting and staying on top of trends by her consistent presence at major gifting trade shows, including her annual participation in NY Now trade show in New York City. With a passion for thoughtful, personalized gifts that truly make an impact, Melissa has built a reputation as a go-to source for unique and meaningful present ideas.
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