Below are the shipping costs for customers in the USA, Canada, and other International countries. Customers in the USA can refer to the chart at the bottom of this page for estimated delivery dates.
Shipping Cost to Customers in the USA
Standard Shipping
- FREE for orders over $75
- $7.99 for orders under $20
- $8.99 for Orders between $20.01 and $40
- $9.99 for orders above $40.01 and under $75
Faster Shipping - 3-5 Business Days
- Order Cost $0.00-$20.00 - Shipping Cost $19.99
- Order Cost $20.01-$60.00 - Shipping Cost $29.99
- Order Cost $60.01-$100.00 - Shipping Cost $39.99
- Order Cost $100.01-$200.00 - Shipping Cost $49.99
- Order Cost $200.01 and Up - Shipping Cost $99.99
Shipping Cost to Customers in Canada
- Standard Shipping - 4 to 15 Business Days
- Order Cost $0.00-$40.00 - Shipping Cost $24.99
- Order Cost $40.01-$80.00 - Shipping Cost $29.99
- Order Cost $80.01-$150.00 - Shipping Cost $39.99
- Order Cost $150.01-$400.00 - Shipping Cost $49.99
- Order Cost $400.01 and Up - Shipping Cost $69.99
- We do not offer expedited shipping options to Canada because we cannot control how long a package takes to go through customs
Shipping Cost to International Customers
- Standard Shipping - $49.99- Shipping takes approximately 2 to 3 weeks
- Standard Shipping 10 to 35 Business Days
- Order Cost $0.00-$100.00 - Shipping Cost $49.99
- Order Cost $100.01-$200.00 - Shipping Cost $99.99
- Order Cost $200.01 and Up - Shipping Cost $125.99
- We do not offer expedited shipping options to international countries because we cannot control how long a package takes to go through customs
If you are in the continental United States, shipping takes 8 to 12 business days with standard shipping. Saturday’s and Sundays do not count as business days. National holidays do not count as business days either.
Please note that products that require an artist, such as our beer glasses that require an artist to work on them, cannot be delivered in 8 to 12 business days. The standard turn around time for products that require an artist to draw your guy in takes 2 to 3 weeks.
For customers in the USA, don’t yell at the guy wearing brown if it’s not there in 3 business days, although we usually surprise you early rather than later.